Upcoming Events

OELS Conference

August 22-24

MemComputing is exhibiting at the EDGE 2023 Supply Chain Exchange Exhibition where we will be showcasing our technology to industry leaders and clients. 

EDGE 2023 Supply Chain Exchange Exhibition

Kissimmee, Florida

October 1-4

MemComputing is exhibiting at the EDGE 2023 Supply Chain Exchange Exhibition where we will be showcasing our technology to industry leaders and clients. 

Past Events

Tech Connect World Innovation Conference


Washington D.C.

June 19-21

2023 Energy HPC Conference

Houston, Texas

February 28 – March 2

MemComputing is exhibiting at the 2023 Energy HPC Conference to engage with the energy community and demonstrate MemComputing’s capabilities in the industry.


Dallas, Texas

November 13-18, 2022

MemComputing exhibited at SC22 where we discussed our technology and its applications in High Performance Computing (HPC).

Rice Alliance Energy Tech Venture Forum

Houston, Texas

September 15, 2022

Our CEO, John Beane attended The Rice Alliance Tech Venture Forum on 9/15 in Houston Texas. This is the go-to event to see the future of energy innovation. The conference included industry speakers, investors & exhibitions from 90+ energy ventures, including MemComputing. Several Oil & Gas Corporate Venture Partners have engaged since in conversations on potential corporate partnerships and follow-on venture interest.

Informs Business Analytics

Houston, Texas

April 3-5, 2022

MemComputing exhibited at the Informs Business Analytics Conference in Houston, where we met with a number of industry leaders and learned about the latest and greatest in operations research.

Five Ten Thirty

Petco Park, San Diego

April 28th, 2022

MemComputing showcased its technology at the inaugural Five Ten Thirty Innovation Day at Petco Park.

Plug and Play Pitch


March 26,  2021

Our CEO, John Beane pitched to a number of investors during the Plug and Play commerce session this March. Plug and Play continues to be a big supporter of MemComputing, and offers great networking opportunities for us.

Brainstorms Festival


Mar 17-19, 2021

MemComputing was selected as one of the top neuro-inspired AI, and brain-computer-interface (BCI)-related start-ups to pitch at the Brainstorms Festival.

2021 Oil & Gas High Performance Computing Conference


Mar 05,  2021

MemComputing exhibited at the 2021 Oil & Gas High Performance Computing Conference, the premier meeting place for the energy industry to engage in conversations about challenges and opportunities in high performance computing, computational science and engineering, machine learning, and data science.

GCV Digital Forum


Jan 27,  2021

MemComputing has been selected by the University of California as one of ten finalists for the 2021 Startup Innovation Challenge. We will have the opportunity to pitch our technology to investors at the Global Corporate Venturing Digital Forum.

Hello Tomorrow


Nov 16-20, 2020

MemComputing is proud to have been featured as a finalist in the ‘Advanced Computing & AI’ category at the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit. It was a great opportunity to showcase MemComputing to deep tech professionals and investors.

SC20 Supercomputing Conference


Nov. 16-20, 2020

For the second consecutive year, MemComputing attended and exhibited at the Super Computing Conference. Due to the ever-changing marketplace and especially because of COVID-19, we were able to tune in to very interesting presentations and keynotes, while also networking with industry professionals. Really looking forward to this even next year, hopefully in person!

MoleCon Conference


Nov 15, 2020

MoleCon is a security conference organized by the pwnthem0le student team, in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino. The event aims to bring together security experts and enthusiasts for discussion. Fabio Traversa, our CTO discussed MeComputing’s technical approach and applications in this space. To view the presentation, click here.



OCT. 19-29, 2020

MemComputing exhibited at SpaceCom 2020, the Global Commercial Space Conference and Exposition.

INPHO Conference


Oct 08, 2020

INPHO Venture Summit is a confeence where tech royalty leaders, private investors and large corporations meet to invest in promising solutions to shape the future. The event aims to tackle our world’s most pressing challenges through disruptive technologies.

AFS Joint Military Conference


Oct 06, 2020

We were fortunate to be able to participate and pitch at the Joint Military Pitch Day. This event allowed us to showcase our technology to investors, the military, DoD, and prime defense contractors.

Falling Walls


Sep. 12,  2020

MemComputing was selected as a finalist for the Falling Walls Breakthrough of the Year award in the science start-up category! Our CEO, John Beane delivered our breakthrough presentation.

Catalyst Accelerator Tech Collision Event

Colorado Springs, CO

July 28-30, 2020

MemComputing was selected to pitch at the first ever Catalyst Accelerator Tech Collision event this summer. The event, sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate, the Small Business Administration-SBIR/STTR program, and Tech Warriors Ops, was a 3-day pitch event where 32 – 40 startups and small businesses had the opportunity to pitch innovative, dual-use space technologies to government and industry tech scouts.

INFORMS Business Analytics Conference


May 18-22

The 2020 INFORMS analytics conference was pushed online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. MemComputing sponsored the event and virtually “exhibited” and interacted with attendees throughout the conference . This event attracted over 5,000 leading analytics professionals and industry experts dedicated to discovering new mathematical solutions to problems in operations research and beyond.

Geospatial Frontier


May 14

Our CEO John Beane was featured on the Space Panel during this years virtual Geospatial Frontier conference. He spoke about MemComputing’s technology and unique applicability in space.

3rd Physics Informed Machine Learning Workshop

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Jan. 13 – 17, 2020

MemComputing has been invited to speak at the 3rd Physics Informed Machine Learning workshop sponsored by the Information Science and Technology Institute (ISTI) and the Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Our CTO, Fabio Traversa, will be speaking at this event. This workshop seeks perspectives on leveraging the deep connection between ML and physics, but now with the goal to better understand and model physical systems, static and dynamic. This third edition of PIML will focus on applications of interest to the LANL and DOE sponsors, specifically on:

  • Improving scale-reduced, large eddy modeling and simulations of turbulence that arise in various mechanical-engineering, aerospace and climate applications
  • Building reduced models for infrastructures (energy systems, cyber-physical systems, etc.)
  • Guiding development of inverse/design approaches in quantum physics, e.g. related to tensor networks
  • Designing new computational paradigms (such as related to quantum, neuromorphic, etc computers)

Most Innovative New Product Awards

Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine, San Diego

Dec 5, 2019

MemComputing is proud to have been selected as a finalist in the Big Data Category in Connect’s Most Innovative New Product Awards (MIP). This annual event honored the titans of innovation and entrepreneurial legends in San Diego. Although we did not win, we would like to congratulate GigaIO for winning this prestigious award!

SC19 SuperComputing Conference

Nov 18 – 21, 2019

MemComputing Inc. is proud to have attended SC19 in Denver, Colorado  as one of HPC’s leading startups. The conference was incredible. We met with many industry professionals and VC’s, and even attended some very inspiring keynote presentations. SC19 is the world’s largest marketplace for high performance computing professionals, and provides attendees the unique opportunity to see the latest technologies, such as MemComputing Inc., that will shape the future of large-scale technical computing and data-driven science.

INFORMS Annual Conference

Oct 20, 2019 – October 23, 2019

Earlier this year, MemComputing, Inc. exhibited at the 2019 INFORMS Annual Conference. INFORMS is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to and promoting best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes. This conference attracted thousands of academic and industry experts in the INFORMS community, making it the Operations Research event of the year.  

Venture Summit 2019

September 26th, 2019

Downtown SD at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront

Earlier this year, MemComputing Inc., was selected by the San Diego Venture Group as one of San Diego’s “Coolest Companies”. We exhibited our technology at the 17th Annual Venture Summit, which was held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront on September 26th. Last year, the event brought in over 700 people, including 120+ VCs from all over California and across the nation. 


More about the San Diego Venture Group: Founded in 1986, SDVG is a non-profit organization designed to bring together people who are interested in new ventures and furthering individual companies, as well as our overall innovation community.

Rice Alliance

Energy & Clean Technology Venture Forum

September 11 & 12, 2019

We are extremely proud to have been selected to present at the 2019 Energy & Clean Technology Forum. It is the largest energy and clean technology venture capital conference in the southwest, and was held at Rice University on September 11 & 12, 2019. This event showcased over 60 companies each giving a 4-minute business pitch to investors, corporate innovation groups, and forum attendees. The conference was a tremendous hit- we made connections with industry leaders and decision makers, as well as venture capitalists. We are very excited to explore the applications of MemComputing in the Oil/Gas & Energy sectors.

EvoNexus Demo Day

Qualcomm Headquarters, San Diego

June 5, 2019

EvoNexus is one of the premier incubators in San Diego and they have hosted and supported us since August of 2017. MemComputing Inc was one of nine startup companies selected to exhibit and  pitch at the EvoNexus Demo Day hosted at Qualcomm’s headquarters in San Diego, CA. EvoNexus, Southern California’s leading technology startup incubator, awarded MemComputing with an award for its presentation. We built fantastic relationships during our time at EvoNexus, and were honored to take home the place of first runner-up at Demo Day.

Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

Le Centquatre, Paris

March 14-15 2019

MemComputing was selected as one of the Top 500 Deeptech Startups Worldwide from over 4,500 applications. Hello Tomorrow is a global organization on a mission to unlock the power of deep technologies and tackle the toughest environmental, social and industrial challenges. Not only were we one of the Top 500, but we were also invited to exhibit as one of the companies in the showcase. We were further honored to be one of the few companies chosen to compete in the pitch competition. We were one of only 7 companies in the Data & AI category. We didn’t win the competition. However, we were winners just from all of the awareness we built and the many European Venture Capitalists and European companies that we met.


Phoenix, Arizona

November 4-7, 2018

MemComputing exhibited and presented at the Annual INFORMS Conference in Phoenix, Arizona in 2018. This was a great conference for MemComputing. At our exhibition booth, we made many great contacts in the fields of Logistics and Supply Chain from both industry and academia. Our CTO Dr. Fabio L.Traversa gave a (very early morning) tutorial on MemComputing technology. The presentation was well received by the alert and engaged audience. We’ve had good discussions with the companies and academia we met—and we’re now engaging in Proof of Concept and Benchmark projects.

San Diego Innovation Showcase

San Diego, California

Oct 25, 2018

The San Diego Innovation Council (SDIC) hosted MemComputing in a full day of company presentations and networking, with high quality investment opportunities in the software, engineering, clean tech, agricultural and life sciences sectors. The 2018 SDIC Showcase took place at JLABS in San Diego on October 25, 2018.