MemComputing Receives NASA Award

NASA has awarded MemComputing Inc. a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract. Financial terms of the contract were not disclosed. The project will identify applications where MemComputing’s Virtual MemComputing Machine can accelerate NASA’s supercomputing workloads for large-scale numerical simulation.

“We’re looking forward to working with NASA,” said John Beane, CEO of MemComputing. “NASA relies heavily on supercomputers today and is pushing their boundaries. NASA has also studied quantum computers to determine the advantages they may see when quantum computers become a reality. We will demonstrate the power and efficiency of our cloud-based Virtual MemComputing Machine and how it currently provides the performance expected of quantum computers.”

During the six-month Phase I, MemComputing will demonstrate to NASA’s Advanced Supercomputing Division its ability to address a relevant, intractable computational benchmark.

Similar to what MemComputing has already done with the U.S. Air Force/Space Force, the goal is that Phase I leads to a Phase II SBIR grant. Phase II would provide follow-on funding by, and infusion into, NASA’s high-end computing projects: the High-End Computing Capability project at Ames and the Scientific Computing project at Goddard. Ultimately, a successful Phase II could lead to a sole-source contract between MemComputing and NASA

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